Shipping Information

How long will it take to receive my order?

Orders placed for in-stock items on a business day before 2:00 PM CST are usually shipped the same day. We do, however, provide refurbished assemblies that may not be 'on the shelf' when you order. Some of these items generally take one to two days to refurbish. They will then ship as soon as they are ready.

What are your shipping methods?

KBH uses all major carriers to ship. We ship Fed Ex ground and Fed Ex overnight once each day. UPS picks up twice a day for ground and overnight packages. Due to weight, size or regulatory issues, some items in our inventory cannot be shipped as "small packages" through UPS or FEDEX. Some examples of these items include palletized equipment, Cotton Spear, Tool bars, etc. These items fall into our common carrier/LTL shipping program.

What should I do if an item is missing from my order?

Please notify us as soon as possible at We will investigate your concerns and provide you with the status and resolution.